Concurrent Collection

This post is not directly related to GDD, but I thought it could be useful for some. Java’s ArrayList and LinkedList are fail-fast. That means that trying to modify them from one thread while accessing them from another will cause them to throw a ConcurrentModificationException. Java has some concurrent data structures in java.util.concurrent. But most of them are based on creating a second copy of the underlying data on modification. While this is completely thread-safe, it might not be the best option when you have a large amount of data stored.

As part of Artenus, I have developed a concurrent collection that does modify and access the same data without duplication. This of course comes at the cost of occasional errors caused by inconsistency of the list. But most of the time it works correctly. If you need a data structure that you can use to manipulate large number of elements in concurrent threads, this could be an option. But be careful to handle the edge cases gracefully. Full documentation of this class can be found here.


 * This is a non-null annotation defined in Android. You may use any other annotation with the same meaning.

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;

 * <p>
 * Thread-safe implementation of the {@code Collection} interface. Implements all collection
 * operations, but performance is optimized for iterator-based access and sequential addition (to,
 * both ends of the collection) as it is used as part of the entities and scene logic in Artenus.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Java's standard LinkedList implementation is not thread-safe and hence it is programmed to
 * through exceptions on concurrent modification and access scenarios. There are some alternatives
 * in the standard library, but Artenus uses this minimalistic collection implementation for its
 * internal use. You can use this class if you need a synchronized sequential-access collection.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * The {@code size}, {@code isEmpty}, {@code iterator}, {@code add}, {@code prepend},
 * {@code getFirst}, and {@code getLast} operations are guaranteed to run in constant time. However,
 * no assumptions should be made about the running time of all of the other operations, as this
 * implementation does not guarantee optimized behavior for them. </p>
 * <p>
 * Unlike implementations like {@code LinkedList}, iterators returned by this class's iterator and
 * methods are not fail-fast: if the list is structurally modified after the iterator is created,
 * the iterator will not throw any exceptions, and will adapt to the new state of the collection.
 * </p>
 * @param <T>	the type of the elements in this collection
 * @author Hessan Feghhi
public class ConcurrentCollection<T> implements Collection<T> {

	 * Inserts an element to the front of the collection.
	 * @param object the element to be added
	public void prepend(@NonNull T object) {
		final Element<T> newElement = new Element<>(object);

		synchronized (this) {
			if (first != null) { = first;
				first.prev = newElement;

			first = newElement;

	 * Adds an element to the back of the collection.
	 * @param object the element to be added
	 * @return {@code true}
	public boolean add(T object) {
		final Element<T> newElement = new Element<>(object);

		if (size == 0) {
			synchronized (this) {
				first = last = newElement;
				size = 1;

			return true;

		synchronized (this) { = newElement;
			newElement.prev = last;
			last = newElement;

		return true;

	 * Appends all of the elements in the specified collection to the end of this collection, in the
	 * order that they are returned by the specified collection's Iterator. The behavior of this
	 * operation is undefined if the specified collection is modified while the operation is in
	 * progress. (This implies that the behavior of this call is undefined if the specified
	 * collection is this list, and this list is nonempty.)
	 * @param collection collection of elements to be added to the collection
	 * @return {@code true}
	public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends T> collection) {
		for (T item : collection)

		return true;

	 * Removes all of the elements from this collection. The collection will be empty after this
	 * call returns. However, existing iterators would not notice this change and would function
	 * as they would before this call.
	public void clear() {
		first = last = null;
		size = 0;

	 * Returns true if this list contains the specified element. More formally, returns true if and
	 * only if this list contains at least one element e such that
	 * <tt>(o==null ? e==null : o.equals(e))</tt>.
	 * @param object element whose presence in this list is to be tested
	 * @return {@code true} if this list contains the specified element
	public boolean contains(Object object) {
		if (first == null)
			return false;

		Element temp = first;

		while (temp != null && !temp.equals(object))
			temp =;

		return temp != null;

	 * <p>Returns {@code true} if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified
	 * collection.</p>
	 * <p>This implementation iterates over the specified collection, checking each element returned
	 * by the iterator in turn to see if it's contained in this collection. If all elements are so
	 * contained true is returned, otherwise false.</p>
	 * @param collection collection to be checked for containment in this collection
	 * @return {@code true} if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified
	 * collection
	public boolean containsAll(@NonNull Collection<?> collection) {
		boolean ret = true;

		for (Object item : collection)
			ret = ret && contains(item);

		return false;

	 * Returns the element at the specified position in this list. Please note that this
	 * implementation does not guarantee optimized behavior for this method.
	 * @param location index of the element to return
	 * @return the element at the specified position in this list
	public T get(int location) {
		if (location < 0 || location >= size)
			throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

		if (first == null)
			return null;

		Element<T> temp = first;
		int index = 0;

		while (index < location) {
			temp =;

		if (temp == null)
			return last == null ? null : last.value;

		return temp.value;

	 * Returns an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence. The returned iterator
	 * supports removal, and will not fail in case of concurrent modification in the collection.
	 * @return an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence
	public Iterator<T> iterator() {
		return new It(first);

	 * Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from this collection, if it is present.
	 * If the list does not contain the element, it is unchanged. More formally, removes the element
	 * with the lowest distance from the front of the collection such that (o==null ? get(i)==null :
	 * o.equals(get(i))) (if such an element exists). Returns true if this list contained the
	 * specified element (or equivalently, if this list changed as a result of the call).
	 * @param object element to be removed from this collection, if present
	 * @return {@code true} if an element was removed as a result of this call
	public boolean remove(Object object) {
		Iterator it = iterator();

		while(it.hasNext()) {
			T item =;

			if(item.equals(object)) {
				return true;

		return false;

	 * Removes from this collection all of its elements that are contained in the specified
	 * collection.
	 * @param collection collection containing elements to be removed from this list collection
	 * @return {@code true} if this list changed as a result of the call
	public boolean removeAll(@NonNull Collection<?> collection) {
		boolean ret = false;

		for (Object object : collection) {
			ret = ret || remove(object);

		return ret;

	 * Retains only the elements in this list that are contained in the specified collection. In
	 * other words, removes from this list all of its elements that are not contained in the
	 * specified collection.
	 * @param collection collection containing elements to be retained in this list
	 * @return {@code true} if this list changed as a result of the call
	public boolean retainAll(@NonNull Collection<?> collection) {
		Element<T> current = first;
		boolean ret = false;

		while (current != null) {
			if (!collection.contains(current.value)) {
				synchronized (this) {
					if ( != null) = current.prev;
					else last = current;

					if (current.prev != null) =;
					else first = current;

				ret = true;

			current =;

		return ret;

	 * Returns the number of elements in this collection.
	 * @return the number of elements in this list
	public int size() {
		return size;

	 * Returns true if this list contains no elements.
	 * @return {@code true} if this list contains no elements
	public boolean isEmpty() {
		return size == 0;

	 * Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection in proper sequence (from
	 * first to last element). The returned array will be "safe" in that no references to it are
	 * maintained by this collection. (In other words, this method must allocate a new array). The
	 * caller is thus free to modify the returned array. This method acts as bridge between
	 * array-based and collection-based APIs.
	 * @return an array containing all of the elements in this list in proper sequence
	public Object[] toArray() {
		Object[] array = new Object[size];
		int index = 0;

		for (T obj : this)
			array[index++] = obj;

		return array;

	 * This method is not implemented by this class, and should not be called.
	 * @param array This parameter is not used.
	 * @param <T1>  This parameter is not used.
	 * @return This method does not return. Instead, it throws a
	 * {@code UnsupportedOperationException}
	 * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
	public <T1> T1[] toArray(@NonNull T1[] array) {
		throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

	 * Returns the first element in this collection (the element at the front of the collection).
	 * @return the first element of this collection
	public T getFirst() {
		return first == null ? null : first.value;

	 * Returns the last element in this collection (the element at the back of the collection).
	 * @return the last element of this collection
	public T getLast() {
		return last == null ? null : last.value;

	private Element<T> first, last;
	private int size = 0;

	 * Represents an iterator for a concurrent collection. An intance of this
	 * iterator is returned by the {@link ConcurrentCollection#iterator()} method.
	private final class It implements Iterator<T> {
		It(Element<T> start) {
			current = start;

		public boolean hasNext() {
			return current != null;

		public T next() {
			recent = current;
			current =;
			return recent.value;

		public void remove() {
			if (recent == null)

			synchronized (this) {
				if (recent.prev == null)
					first =;
				else =;

				if ( == null)
					last = recent.prev;
				else = recent.prev;

				if (first == recent)
					first =;

				if (last == recent)
					last = recent.prev;


			current =;
			recent = null;

		Element<T> current, recent;

	 * This class represents an element in the linked list. ConcurrentCollection
	 * uses a linked list internally.
	 * @param <T>	The type of the element in the linked list
	private static final class Element<T> {
		Element(T value) {
			this.value = value;
			prev = next = null;

		T value;
		Element<T> prev, next;